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Find out how to take on your first triathlon with confidence and enthusiasm with our complete guide for beginners. Learn how to set realistic goals, train consistently, and find creative solutions to fit your training into your busy life. Join TriathlonWorld and let us guide you to your first finish line! Are you ready for it?

start your first triathlon

Getting started in triathlon can be quite overwhelming. The idea of ​​swimming, cycling and running - all in one race - can be intimidating for beginners. As a newcomer, it can be difficult to determine where to start, what training plans to follow, and what equipment you need.

together we achieve your triathlon goals

At TriathlonWorld we understand the challenges beginners face. We are here to guide, advise and support you on the road to your personal triathlon success. Whether you dream of completing your first sprint triathlon or challenging the legendary Ironman distance, we have the expertise and resources to help you succeed.
find your best

find your best


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find your best


good to know

what is triathlon?

Triathlon is a multi-sport event in which participants complete three different disciplines in succession: swimming , cycling and running . This wonderful sport combines endurance, physical strength and mental toughness. Triathlon races vary in distance and come in all sizes, from sprint distances to full Ironman distances. Which distance is a good choice for you as a novice triathlete depends on a number of factors. How much time do you have to train? How fit are you already? And moreover, what is your goal and how far do you want to go? Let's first take a look at what options are available!

Different triathlon distances:

Sprint TriathlonSprint Triathlon

In triathlon sports, the sprint distance is also called the 1/8th triathlon. This is a shorter distance and ideal for beginners. It usually involves a swim of 500 meters , a bike distance of 20 kilometers and a run of 5 kilometers.

Olympic triathlonOlympic triathlon

The Olympic distance is also known as the standard distance. You swim 1.5 kilometers, cycle 40 kilometers and run 10 kilometers. The Olympic distance is a challenging but accessible triathlon that requires a balance between speed and endurance. It is an excellent step for athletes who want to go beyond the sprint distance and compete against a distance that is also used during the Olympic Games.

half triathlonhalf triathlon

If you want to go further than an Olympic triathlon, you will quickly end up with a half triathlon. The half triathlon, also known as the Ironman 70.3, is a demanding but popular distance within the sport of triathlon. This distance includes 1.9 kilometers of swimming, 90 kilometers of cycling and 21.1 kilometers of running.

The half triathlon requires significant dedication and preparation, but with the right training and planning it is an achievable and extremely satisfying challenge for amateurs and experienced triathletes alike.

Whole triathlonWhole triathlon

The entire triathlon better known as an IRONMAN. The name '' IRONMAN'' was created to emphasize the extreme endurance and physical and mental strength required to complete a full triathlon. The full IRONMAN is the ultimate challenge in triathlon and requires completing the following distances: a 3.8 kilometer swim, 180 kilometer bike ride and a 42.2 kilometer marathon.

"Fortunately, you don't need a lot of equipment to start your triathlon adventure. With the right basic equipment and a good dose of enthusiasm you are well on your way to completing your first triathlon."

Lenno Huizer - Product expert at TriathlonWorld

the basic

what do you need?

  • Swimming: Swimwear, swimming goggles, swimming cap (sometimes mandatory for competitions), possibly a wetsuit if you swim in open water.
  • Cycling: A bicycle (any bicycle you have is fine to start with), helmet (mandatory when participating in competitions), cycling clothing (optional but useful), bicycle pump, water bottle holder with water bottle.
  • Running: Comfortable running shoes, running clothes.
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    Invest in a good and, above all, safe bicycle helmet. The use of this is mandatory for all triathlons!

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    running shoes

    Make sure you have good running shoes fitted that suit your level and gait. This prevents aches and injuries in the future!

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    Good cycling clothing

    High-quality cycling clothing and especially good cycling pants can enormously increase the comfort and therefore the enjoyment of all your rides!

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    (racing) bicycle

    In principle, any bike is good to start with, but you will never regret a racing bike!

  • Read more Read more


    A wetsuit is not always a must-have for your first triathlon. If you are going to larger and longer events, a wetsuit is often not an unnecessary luxury!

I want to continue with triathlon

what do you need?

The above products are really just the basics and are enough to get you to the finish line. Did your first triathlon go well and do you want to continue with the sport? Very cool to hear! If you want to pursue the sport more seriously and are perhaps thinking about half or the entire Ironman distance. Then you will benefit from purchasing a number of additional products that can make the road to the starting line considerably easier and more comfortable. Think about:

  • Smartwatch with multi-sport functions - ideal for monitoring all your training, heart rate and progress.
  • Wetsuit - often required or recommended for much longer competitions.
  • Racing bike or triathlon bike - if you are going to cycle longer distances and have to train more, this is not an unnecessary luxury and will also significantly improve your speed.
  • Trisuit/triathlon suit - this means you don't have to change between the different disciplines and you can fully focus on the challenge ahead!

did you know...

  • Zwemmen_starten met triathlon

    Swimming is always the first discipline during a triathlon? This has to do with the safety risks associated with swimming!

  • Fietsen_starten met triathlon

    Cycling is the longest part of a triathlon and this is where you can gain and of course lose the most time!

  • Hardlopen_starten met triathlon

    Running is seen as the most difficult part. This is because you have already been sitting for a long time and are quite tired. Here you will be tested physically and mentally!

  • Sportvoeding_starten met triathlon

    Sports nutrition and having a correct nutritional strategy is considered the fourth discipline of triathlon. This can make or break your triathlon!

how should I start with training?

1. set realistic goals

Start with a short distance and gradually work up to longer distances. Also take a critical look at how much time you can spend practicing the sport every week. Wanting to tackle an entire IRONMAN distance is cool, but if you can't afford the training hours, it might not be a wise idea!

2. train regularly

Plan your workouts so that you can practice all three disciplines. Focus on building endurance in each discipline. Condition and strength in the sport of triathlon is something that takes time to build up!

3. work on your swimming technique

Even though the swimming part is the shortest during your race, this is often their Achilles heel for many athletes. Swimming is a technical and difficult sport to learn and mistakes are easy to make. Our advice: invest in a few chest roll classes at your local pool. You won't regret this!

4. Listen always to your body

Don't push yourself too much and don't be afraid to ask for help or seek advice from experienced triathletes or coaches. Rest is just as important as training, so listen to your body and allow plenty of recovery time.

Castelli trisuits voor triathlon bij

balance is the key

harmony between training, family & career

Many triathletes were busy enough before they decided to take on a challenge that involves three different sports. Training is undoubtedly a time-consuming activity, and modern life today is busier than ever. The real challenge for many age-group triathletes isn't so much that tough interval training, long hours in the saddle or getting through a tough swim – it's balancing family, friends, career and more on top of ambitious sporting goals.

The good news is that you can have it all. With the right approach, you should not only be able to achieve your triathlon dreams, but also build a successful foundation in health, work and life as a whole.

  • Prioritize: Before you take other steps to fit your training into your life, consider how important it is to you. What sacrifices are you willing to make for your training, and which ones are you not? Identify activities in your day or week that are less important than your workout so you can cut back or eliminate them.
  • Be consistent: Consistency is the most important quality of an effective training regimen. If you don't always have time for what you consider a "full workout," at least try to do something. Realize that even a short 20-minute workout is worth it, especially if you increase the intensity.
  • Be creative: Find creative ways to fit training into a tight schedule. Cycle to work. Invest in a treadmill and run in the evenings while your kids play nearby. Take your family to the beach or pool and let your partner watch the kids while you swim, and vice versa.
  • Communicate with your partner: Talk openly with your partner about the time you spend training. Let him/her know that both spending quality time and exercising are important to you, and that you want to find a balance where you are both happy.






enjoy & relax

focus on your triathlon

As you prepare for your first triathlon, it's tempting to watch the performances of professional athletes and want to emulate their winning approach. However, it is important to remember that professional triathletes have dedicated their entire lives to the sport, something that is often not feasible for amateurs. Your approach to triathlon should fit within the context of your life and not come at the expense of your happiness or other important aspects of your life.

Finally, team TriathlonWorld would like to give you the following. Remember, triathlon is what you do, not who you are. It shouldn't get in the way of your happiness or stop you from doing what you want with the rest of your life. Most importantly, enjoy it! You know you've found ultimate balance when you achieve goals in all aspects of your life.
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How to start triathlon: Tips and Advice for Beginners