Fe226's revolutionary The Perfect Posture Running Top is designed to improve your running form by supporting your core and shoulders.
A few years ago, Fe226 started looking for a solution to the problem of poor running posture. They gathered a group of experts, including biomechanical and kinetic experts from gebioMized®, physiotherapists, running coaches and some professional athletes. The mission was to develop a running shirt that endurance runners can use in their training regimen to detect and correct inefficient running posture .
The result of our efforts is the Fe226 Perfect Posture running top. This top is designed to support your core and shoulders and to allow you to lean forward from the waist, preventing side drops, side swings and hunched shoulders.
The Perfect Posture Running Top can help to facilitate your breathing (open chest), support your lower back so you can run more upright, reduce tension in your shoulders and your side drop and swing and improve power transfer from your core to your hip flexors .
The Fe226 Perfect Posture™ running top is made with three different types of panels to optimize your posture while keeping you comfortable.
- A shoulder supporting compression panel helps you relax in the shoulders while ensuring that your shoulders do not sag. This is important for your running efficiency as it allows you to breathe easily while allowing you to better use shoulder movements to create momentum in your hips.
- A core stabilizing compression panel works to reduce the bend in your waist while reducing your side fall and side sway. It also helps you increase the power transfer from your hips to your legs.
- Ventilating panels at the front and back provide cooling and quick drying.
To prove the efficiency improvements of the Fe226 Perfect Posture™ Running Top, we put it through detailed testing with the gebioMized® analysis team in Munster, Germany. The results speak for themselves. For a tired runner, the Fe226 Perfect Posture Running Top provided:
- 8.7 degrees less lean forward at the waist (17%)
- 1.5 degrees more upright in the torso (neck)
- 0.7 cm less sideways fall
FE226 only produces in European factories that are socially and environmentally responsible. They only use high-quality, locally sourced fabrics and always produce in smaller batches.
Instead of washing your garments after every workout, you can rinse them under water and hang them to dry, reducing washes to every 3-8 uses. And with fewer washes and less bacterial growth, your clothes will last longer, so you have to buy less. Good for your wallet and good for the environment.
Train more, wash less!